Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control
Special and general relativity are the theories describing the physics of space
and time. Space and time are explored with clocks and electromagnetic signals.
Therefore, special and general relativity are related to precise clocks and the
thorough understanding of signal propagation. The ever-increasing accuracy
of clocks together with novel methods for precision time transfer and clock
synchronization are pivotal for the new generation of experiments probing the
validity of Einstein’s theories from subatomic distances to cosmic scales.
Such tests are not only motivated by the requirement that fundamental
theories like special and general relativity which need the best experimental
basis one can obtain, but also by the request to explore as far as possible the range of applicability of these theories, and finally by the search for gravita-tional waves. The search for quantum gravity and recent progress in astro-physics and cosmology has provided new strong motivation for high-accuracy tests of relativistic gravity. A number of recently proposed experiments will
probe the foundations of general relativity by testing the equivalence principle,
Lorentz invariances, the universalities of a free fall and gravitational redshift, as well as the constancy of gravitational and fine-structure constants. If de-tected, a violation of any of these principles will signal the presence of new physics and may show us the way to gravity quantization or/and to a grand
unified field theory. As such these experiments have a significant discovery
potential and will likely be the focus of the community effort for the next
When conducted in space, these experiments will benefit from well-
understood and controlled laboratory environments. A significant advance in the field of experimental gravitational physics can be expected from highly accurate laser ranging paired with new optical and/or microwave frequency standards or based entirely on optical frequency combs together with atomic sensors and drag-free technologies for attitude control. These new technologies
allow taking full advantage of the variable gravity potentials, large heliocentric distances, and high velocity and acceleration regimes achievable in the solar system. As a result, the gravity research in the near future can significantly advance knowledge of fundamental physics and will also provide new capabil-ities to improve our life on Earth.
In the present volume we will discuss the issues that are relevant for fu-ture space missions aiming at testing and exploring gravity with much higher accuracy, namely:
– Quest from fundamental physics
– Space conditions
– Space technologies
– Space missions
In particular, we will discuss the present status and expected progress in the laser-enabled technologies (ranging, communication, and interferometry),
atomic and optical frequency standards, atomic sensors, and drag-free techno-logies.
All these issues have been discussed on the 359th WE-Heraeus seminar
on “Lasers, Clocks, and Drag-Free: New Technologies for Testing Relativistic
Gravity in Space” that took place at the Center for Applied Space Technology
and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen from 30 May to 1
June 2005. It is our great pleasure to thank all the speakers for their pre-
sentations and especially those who were willing to write them up for this
volume. We also like to thank the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for
its generous support without which this seminar could not have been carried
Download: Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control - pdf
and time. Space and time are explored with clocks and electromagnetic signals.
Therefore, special and general relativity are related to precise clocks and the
thorough understanding of signal propagation. The ever-increasing accuracy
of clocks together with novel methods for precision time transfer and clock
synchronization are pivotal for the new generation of experiments probing the
validity of Einstein’s theories from subatomic distances to cosmic scales.
Such tests are not only motivated by the requirement that fundamental
theories like special and general relativity which need the best experimental
basis one can obtain, but also by the request to explore as far as possible the range of applicability of these theories, and finally by the search for gravita-tional waves. The search for quantum gravity and recent progress in astro-physics and cosmology has provided new strong motivation for high-accuracy tests of relativistic gravity. A number of recently proposed experiments will
probe the foundations of general relativity by testing the equivalence principle,
Lorentz invariances, the universalities of a free fall and gravitational redshift, as well as the constancy of gravitational and fine-structure constants. If de-tected, a violation of any of these principles will signal the presence of new physics and may show us the way to gravity quantization or/and to a grand
unified field theory. As such these experiments have a significant discovery
potential and will likely be the focus of the community effort for the next
When conducted in space, these experiments will benefit from well-
understood and controlled laboratory environments. A significant advance in the field of experimental gravitational physics can be expected from highly accurate laser ranging paired with new optical and/or microwave frequency standards or based entirely on optical frequency combs together with atomic sensors and drag-free technologies for attitude control. These new technologies
allow taking full advantage of the variable gravity potentials, large heliocentric distances, and high velocity and acceleration regimes achievable in the solar system. As a result, the gravity research in the near future can significantly advance knowledge of fundamental physics and will also provide new capabil-ities to improve our life on Earth.
In the present volume we will discuss the issues that are relevant for fu-ture space missions aiming at testing and exploring gravity with much higher accuracy, namely:
– Quest from fundamental physics
– Space conditions
– Space technologies
– Space missions
In particular, we will discuss the present status and expected progress in the laser-enabled technologies (ranging, communication, and interferometry),
atomic and optical frequency standards, atomic sensors, and drag-free techno-logies.
All these issues have been discussed on the 359th WE-Heraeus seminar
on “Lasers, Clocks, and Drag-Free: New Technologies for Testing Relativistic
Gravity in Space” that took place at the Center for Applied Space Technology
and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen from 30 May to 1
June 2005. It is our great pleasure to thank all the speakers for their pre-
sentations and especially those who were willing to write them up for this
volume. We also like to thank the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for
its generous support without which this seminar could not have been carried
Download: Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control - pdf
Practical guide
✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extract from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control
Reviewed by BiT
7:58 PM

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