A Theory of Natural Philosophy

A Theory of Natural Philosophy (info):

In the English translation, an endeavour has been made to adhere as closely as possible to a literal rendering of the Latin ; except that the some- what lengthy and complicated sentences have been broken up. This has made necessary slight changes of meaning in several of the connecting words. This will be noted especially with regard to the word " adeoque ", which Boscovich uses with a variety 
of shades of meaning, from " indeed ", " also " or " further ", through " thus ", to a decided only one phrase in English that can also take these various shades of meaning, viz., " and so " ; and this phrase, for the use of which there is some justification in the word " adeo " itself, has been usually employed. 

The punctuation of the Latin is that of the author. It is often misleading to a modern reader and even irrational ; but to have recast it would have been an onerous task and something characteristic of the author and his century would have been lost. 

My translation has had the advantage of a revision by Mr. A. O. Prickard, M.A., Fellow 
of New College, Oxford, whose task has been very onerous, for he has had to watch not 
only for flaws in the translation, but also for misprints in the Latin. These were necessarily 
many ; in the first place, there was only one original copy available, kindly loaned to me by 
the authorities of the Cambridge University Library ; and, as this copy could not leave 
my charge, a type-script had to be prepared from which the compositor worked, thus doub- 
ling the chance of error. Secondly, there were a large number of misprints, and even 
omissions of important words, in the original itself ; for this no discredit can be assigned to 
Boscovich ; for, in the printer's preface, we read that four presses were working at the 
owing to almost insurmountable difficulties, there have been many delays in the production 
which have not conduced to success. We trust, however, that no really serious faults remain. 
The short life of Boscovich, which follows next after this preface, has been written by 
Dr. Branislav Petronievic, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade. It is to 
be regretted that, owing to want of space requiring the omission of several addenda to the 
text of the Theoria itself, a large amount of interesting material collected by Professor 
Petronievic has had to be left out. 

A Theory of Natural Philosophy

The financial support necessary for the production of such a costly edition as the present 

After the " Life," there follows an " Introduction," in which I have discussed the ideas 
of Boscovich, as far as they may be gathered from the text of the Tbeoria alone ; this 
also has been cut down, those parts which are clearly presented to the reader in Boscovich's 
own Synopsis having been omitted. It is a matter of profound regret to everyone that this 
discussion comes from my pen instead of, as was originally arranged, from that of the late 
Philip E. P. Jourdain, the well-known mathematical logician ; whose untimely death threw 
into my far less capable hands the responsible duties of editorship. 

I desire to thank the authorities of the Cambridge University Library, who time after 
time over a period of five years have forwarded to me the original text of this work of 
Boscovich. Great credit is also due to the staff of Messrs. Butler & Tanner, Frome, 
for the care and skill with which they have carried out their share of the work ; and 
my special thanks for the unfailing painstaking courtesy accorded to my demands, which were 
frequently not in agreement with trade custom. 

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A Theory of Natural Philosophy A Theory of Natural Philosophy Reviewed by BiT on 7:16 PM Rating: 5

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