Secrets of Cold War Technology - by Gerry Vassilatos
THE death knell has struck. Wave Radio Is dead. How have 70 years of Military Research succeeded In producing a completely new and superior communications technology? Radio History gives a stcanger walk than paranoid writers ever telll While citizens were watching television, military research was directed to create an amazing radiation technology far in advance of any system known. Currently and routinely utilized, it has remained a well guarded "open secret for decades.
The proof patents and relevant research papers have just been retrieved.
* Discover why it is obvious that neither military nor private developers have yet successfully duplicated Tesla technology.
* Why is the name H. C. Vion, developer of auroral energy receivers. never mentioned in engineering circles? Who was Dr. Sellm Lemstrom, and how did his early explorations in auroral energy research inspire N1kola Tesla toward his lofty achievements in Colorado?
* Successfully tested by Bntish Military during World War I, what became of the earty beam weapons of Grindeii-MaUhews, Ullv1, Turpaln, and others? Who was John Hettinger, and how were his ear1y beam power systems modified through radar technology Into ray beam weapons?
* What was Project Argus? Project Teak? Project Orange? How was the Ionosphere successfully disturbed by a steady series ol atomic detonations In 1962? Learn about the frightful characteristics of EMP phenomena, and how these were employed In a strange and deadly technology. What different kinds of EMP weaponry did military developers deploy throughout the 1960's? Why was a High Command request to employ
EMP weaponry in the recent Gull War denied?
• Discover why the Air Force directed the construction of a huge Ionospheric
"backscatter" telemetry system across the Pacific just after World War II. Find out why the controlled production of Ionospheric disturbance was once Important to military teams before the development of space travel. Learn why each of these mammoth global communications systems is no longer state of the art. How did the unexpected emergence of space technology speed the demise of earth based rad1o systems?
• Not a weapon, not a psychotronics system, not a weather modifier, why is HMRP
llill: the program which so many have claimed? Why cen the IRI never achieve the objectives cited by a few authors? Leam about the real motivations so powerfully at work in Conspiracy Writers, and why they are not equipped to crack the secret of HMRP.
Why are the Eastlund Patents not relevant to HMAP, and why has Raytheon continued
to collect every HMRP relevant patent for several years? What is the "merchandise" which HMRP promises to yield? * What was Project Sangume originally designed to do? Find out why it is not an invincible system. Leam why the ELF heart of Naval Command Is eventually to be dismantled.
* How were X-Rays used to detect underground movements?
How were Gamma Rays routinely used in communicating from submarines to command headquarters via military satellites?
Facts quell hysteria, but Truth is stranger than fiction. Want the answers? This
complete technical history of military projects will show the development of every
relevant project preceding and exceeding HAARP. Only the facts. No hysteria.
Complete with communications and weapons patent citations, this book will forever
change your view of world events and technology.
Download: Secrets of Cold War Technology - by Gerry Vassilatos - pdf
Monopoly: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The proof patents and relevant research papers have just been retrieved.
* Discover why it is obvious that neither military nor private developers have yet successfully duplicated Tesla technology.
* Why is the name H. C. Vion, developer of auroral energy receivers. never mentioned in engineering circles? Who was Dr. Sellm Lemstrom, and how did his early explorations in auroral energy research inspire N1kola Tesla toward his lofty achievements in Colorado?
* Successfully tested by Bntish Military during World War I, what became of the earty beam weapons of Grindeii-MaUhews, Ullv1, Turpaln, and others? Who was John Hettinger, and how were his ear1y beam power systems modified through radar technology Into ray beam weapons?
* What was Project Argus? Project Teak? Project Orange? How was the Ionosphere successfully disturbed by a steady series ol atomic detonations In 1962? Learn about the frightful characteristics of EMP phenomena, and how these were employed In a strange and deadly technology. What different kinds of EMP weaponry did military developers deploy throughout the 1960's? Why was a High Command request to employ
EMP weaponry in the recent Gull War denied?
• Discover why the Air Force directed the construction of a huge Ionospheric
"backscatter" telemetry system across the Pacific just after World War II. Find out why the controlled production of Ionospheric disturbance was once Important to military teams before the development of space travel. Learn why each of these mammoth global communications systems is no longer state of the art. How did the unexpected emergence of space technology speed the demise of earth based rad1o systems?
• Not a weapon, not a psychotronics system, not a weather modifier, why is HMRP
llill: the program which so many have claimed? Why cen the IRI never achieve the objectives cited by a few authors? Leam about the real motivations so powerfully at work in Conspiracy Writers, and why they are not equipped to crack the secret of HMRP.
Why are the Eastlund Patents not relevant to HMAP, and why has Raytheon continued
to collect every HMRP relevant patent for several years? What is the "merchandise" which HMRP promises to yield? * What was Project Sangume originally designed to do? Find out why it is not an invincible system. Leam why the ELF heart of Naval Command Is eventually to be dismantled.
* How were X-Rays used to detect underground movements?
How were Gamma Rays routinely used in communicating from submarines to command headquarters via military satellites?
Facts quell hysteria, but Truth is stranger than fiction. Want the answers? This
complete technical history of military projects will show the development of every
relevant project preceding and exceeding HAARP. Only the facts. No hysteria.
Complete with communications and weapons patent citations, this book will forever
change your view of world events and technology.
Download: Secrets of Cold War Technology - by Gerry Vassilatos - pdf
Monopoly: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extract from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Secrets of Cold War Technology - by Gerry Vassilatos
Reviewed by BiT
7:41 PM

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